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“He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done.”

                                                                      - Proverbs 19:17

Favor Friday's: Los Angeles

Favor Friday's takes place on a monthly basis in which a donation theme for the month is chosen, and donations are collected which include hygiene products, food supplies (depending on what would benefit the homeless most), and monetary contributions. 


Volunteers are then asked to come out and help prep the donations for distribution. Finally, the group will then travel to heavily homeless populated areas for outreach and to distribute goods. We are more than just a community service, we aim to impact the lives we serve with God's grace, humility and love.

Donations are always welcomed. We accept all hygiene products and monetary contributions. Please see the donate tab above.

In order for our projects to be successful, it takes a team! We are always looking for those who want to share their blessings and love! 

Volunteer Today!

Our mission is to come together as a community for the community in order to increase our exchange of love among one another one favor at a time.

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